I started the first one the day before I read about project improv. I had already planned on making a log cabin quilt, alternating white and color. I deciding to change things up a bit, so I went from all 2 1/2 strips, to strips that were also 4 and 5 inches. I then started putting them together, trimming edges to make things a bit wonkier. I do like how it turned out, and I think the bright colors combined with the white really emphasize the wonk. This quilt is for the mother of a childhood friend, who has breast cancer.

I had really enjoyed the wonky log cabin, so I decided that I would continue to play for awhile. Instead of cutting exact strip lengths, I just grabbed my scissors and started cutting random width strips of all of the fabrics I was using - freedom! Working this way really fits my personality- kind of messy, plus I don't tend to get things exactly square, anyway, now I don't need to! Anyway, I pushed the blocks a bit more with this one, but kind of evened things out with the white. This quilt is for Brian's son, Nate.
For the next quilt, I pulled out a few fabrics that I had purchased together, with no specific project in mind. I thought they would make a beautiful quilt for Kirsten, Brian's fiancee. Again, I just started cutting the fabric in random widths. I had this wild floral that I used for the centers and a bit on the sides. I really love this quilt. By just butting the blocks up against one another, it is more difficult to tell where one block ends and the next begins. I want to keep this quilt, really it is one of my favorites.
yes, the picture is upside down, but Allen was holding it the wrong way.
And, you can see why I like the quilt. See how nicely it fits into my living room.

And, you can see why I like the quilt. See how nicely it fits into my living room.
I used these same fabrics to make my red/aqua block for the project improv charity quilt. I'm not sure that I'm as crazy about it as some of the blocks in the full quilt, or maybe I just like them all put together better. It does need to be ironed and squared up a bit (like I said, not so good at the square thing.) Either way, I'm done quilting for awhile. My sewing machine, along with most of my other worldly possessions, will be packed in about 10 days.

When we are settled, I would like to continue quilting improvisationally. I am already looking for fabric for future projects.
Yes, I do have a few travel photos and the kids to post, it will have to wait a few days. Seriously, 3 quilts/3 weeks does not allow much time for other things.
Wow, 3 quilts in 3 weeks--how'd you do it?!? All three are great. I can hardly stand to do anything but improv style anymore. Good luck on your PCS. We moved from Germany 2 years ago and we miss it terribly.
i'm so impressed i can hardly contain myself. i love all three of them so much. i'm so happy you are part of the project. you are an inspiration to all of us!!!
Great job, once again. They are all great.
Did not realize that you were moving so soon. Are you hanging out for a while waiting for summer class or is the winter class starting sooner than I thought? Bummer you have to move so soon. We're undecided still. It's going to be a painful decision. Matt could easily give up the 70-hour work weeks and frequent TDY. On the otherhand, living here has been the best experience we've ever had and he, actually, likes working so closly with this 09. He and the new Admiral work really well together and I think part of Matt wants to continue this well-working relationship. So, we're very very torn now that we have the option to stay another year. Urgh. I'm going along with whatever Matt decides. Whenever I get too involved in his career decisions, I stress us both out. I overthink everything!
Great Job Angie. So much to get done and also getting ready to move. Where did you fine the time.
They are all beautiful! Nice work!
I like them all. You are so good with the un-square thing. I am too math brained to do that. I'm all about straight lines but I LOVE the wakiness in yours. I need to be more wacky.
You have been one busy lady! And now it doesn't stop with the upcoming move...to where I might ask? I am hoping it is where you wanted to go....do tell...all ears over here.
Angie...you have incredible talent...and vision. The quilts are gorgeous...and the thoughtfulness that went into each one is unequalled. The people will be proud to receive them. Our church has started a shawl ministry...I sure wish you were part of that...but I'm sure you'll find a group wherever you end up. I have heard that people feel so "blessed" to receive the hand-made items...and it's a blessing to be able to make them for someone in pain. You have done beautiful and loving work!
Wow! That's all I can say, wow!
Saw your quilts in the Project Improv pool. I'm so impressed you made them all in a week. And they look great to boot! I'm sure they will be cherished.
you are a very fine quilt artist maker! :)
How do you do it with 2 kids? I can't even keep my house clean! Shoot, I still haven't sent out Christmas cards! I have a book on strip quilting, all the material to make one, but it's been 3 years since I purchased the material!! Aaaagh!
Great quilts, btw!
Hi Angie,
It's been so long since I've checked blogs! I can't believe how big Christopher is getting! He looks so handsome with his haircut! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Brian. I remember all too well how hard that hits, and how close to home. Your quilts are so awesome. I wish I had the motivation to learn how to create them. Garland LOVES them and thinks it would be very cool if I could make them too. Maybe some day when ALL my kids are in school... :)
I can't believe you'll be leaving there so soon! Time flies by. I can't wait to meet up with you guys again. Take good care!
Love your quilts! And hearing your process is helpful - I tend to be an in the box quilter :) I came over from Jacquie's sidebar
I love the colors you chose for the quilts!
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