Monday, September 03, 2007

Our Day

Update at the bottom!
Today we decided to drive to Vilseck to pick up Ashlyn's 2 year pictures. I wasn't sure where to get her pictures taken, and they have a photo studio inside the PX in Vilseck. The pictures on their site looked pretty good, too. Of course, Vilseck is an hour away. To look at the pictures, we had to drive back, order them right there, and then drive back a third time for pick up. They also have an annoying ordering system. You have to order in packages, so you are limited to how many different poses you can get. So, anyway, the pictures were great! Ashlyn is often uncooperative for pictures, but not this time. Even the photographer said Ashlyn did the best that you can expect for a two year old. We were shown 30 different poses, and had a hard time choosing.

But, back to our day, since Allen wasn't working today, we decided to drive the hour there to get the pictures. Of course, Ashlyn decides this morning that she wants to wear panties instead of her diaper. While I didn't think today was the best day to work on wearing panties, I didn't feel like I should discourage her, either. So, we packed the potty in the car. We kept asking her if she needed to use the potty during the drive. We then put her on the potty before we went into the px.

We arrived just about lunch time, so we grabbed lunch at the food court. Ashlyn was eating her drumstick and getting on and off her chair. At one point, she fell FACE first off of the chair. I just picked her up and held her while Allen checked out the blood on her face. She cut her chin and the inside of her lip. We took her outside to the first aid kit. After cleaning up the cuts, we went back inside and Ashlyn had ice cream, while I picked up the pictures and bought children's tylenol. Poor thing wouldn't even eat the ice cream, and just wanted to be held and cry. Before we left, I made her switch to a diaper, since she wouldn't sit on the potty.

After we drove home, while Ashlyn slept, she went right back to bed for a couple of hours. She seems to be ok, but she has a knot on her eyebrow and a red mark on her cheek as well as the cuts. She is currently dancing on Allen and laughing at "funny daddy," so, yeah, I think she's ok.

So, our whole purpose of the drive today was these photos. To Ashlyn's grandparents, aunts, and uncles, you have a picture or so coming your way. My understanding is that we can still order if you want more. I stuck to 5x7, because 8x12 and 4x5 are standard here.

Let this be a lesson to me that I should not post about "our day" before the day is complete or at least Ashlyn is in bed. Ashlyn was cranky for the rest of the evening, but we put up with more demands and whining than normal because she'd had a traumatic day. When I went to change her diaper, she insisted on panties again. About 15 minutes later, she said "Legs wet," because she had pee running down them. I told her that if she wears panties, that she needs to go pee-pee in the potty. She ran to the potty after I removed her wet panties, and wanted a different pair (or really the same ones, she didn't get it) to wear.

At bath time, which is Allen's job whenever he is home, she insisted that Mommy do it. Mommy, who has a backache, and did not want to lift a toddler in and out of the tub. But, Mommy took her upstairs for her bath, and Mommy was the one who was just about to get her out of the tub, when she started pooping. In the tub. I could see it happening, and grabbed her quickly to put her on her potty, where she had a view of the tub and could comment on the clean up process. I yelled for Allen to bring me a cup, and started scooping. I pulled out one bit and Ashlyn says "there's another one." Yeah, thanks kid, I didn't notice the other floater.

So, this was really "our day."


Sharon said...

These pictures are FABULOUS! I can't wait to add one to my collection. She is such a pretty little girl. I see a lot more of you in her, Angie....esp, the one where she is laughing. So Cute!!

Cherie said...

The pictures are beautiful Angie.

Anonymous said...

GREAT pictures!

sara said...

Love the pics! She looks more & more like a little girl as opposed to a baby.

For a while Max would poop every
time he got in the bath. Every time! Those muscles just get so relaxed. I started letting him sit in the tub for 5 mins or so & then plopping him on the potty so he could take care of business. One of the most frustrating parts of potty training but the tub gets really clean from all the scrubbing. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, the joys of potty-training. Liv's just about there. She usually only has an accident when she's upset about something. Like if I put her in time out. She's even making it through naps and through the night. I thought she was all done having accidents when she was busy playing - however, at the NEX the other day, she peed all over the floor while looking at a Dora doll.
The pictures are wonderful! I mean truly amazing. I'm so jealous. I can barely get Liv to sit through pictures. Usually she'll say, "I'm just fine right here. No pictures, thank you, you're welcome." Though, her last ones taken with Lila came out really well. I'll try to scan one in when we get our household goods!

Katie said...

Those pictures are seriously AWESOME. I cannot believe they were taken in PX!

I'm sorry you had a bad day. At least you have beautiful photos to cheer you up!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else; those pictures are wonderful. Who would have ever thought the PX would have done so well. Cool.

And yuck about the poop in the tub. Thankgoodness Bo has NEVER done that. He is quite the poop-on-routine kind of kid. Let's hope he stays that way.