Friday, May 14, 2010

Special Agent Oso is responsible for this post

I've been trying to teach Ashlyn to swing for awhile. It wasn't that she didn't want to learn, but it just didn't seem to click. Plus, it was easier to have me push her.  Last week, I walked outside to see both of my kids swinging. I asked Ashlyn who taught her how to swing, she said "Special Agent Oso." She then proceeded to tell me SA Oso's procedure for swinging (which was pretty much exactly the same as mine.)

I just laughed and wondered why I don't let her watch more television.

I'm not sure if Ashlyn taught Christopher, or if he learned from the same episode. It probably helps that these swings are hung much closer to the ground than the ones at playgrounds.


Laura said...

Speical Agent Oso drives me crazy becuase he is the one who is supposedly sent to help the child but he's an absolute idiot and the child ends up teaching him. But apparently he can teach kids how to swing so I guess he's not all bad.

The Dunns said...

So funny! Okay, I'm putting Oso on my to-do list. :) He's in the same category as Sid the Science Kid. I can't stand either of them (!!!) but they always have good teaching lessons.

Myrtle said...

Who is this OSO person??

Harrisonjoy said...

SEEEE..I told you that TV is good for the kids!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is great Angie! I miss them so much. thanks, Pawpaw