Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Speaking of babies...

With the addition of Maggie Grace, there has been lots of baby talk around here. Ashlyn patted my belly and laughed telling me my belly was going to get much bigger. She seemed to be under the impression that I'm going to have another baby for her. When I told her that mommy already had her two babies, Ashlyn decided to have her own.

Here she is in the "hospital" after she had her baby, Suzu.
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Later, she took Suzu home to Wyoming (my closet, which used to be the monster's cave.)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha. So cute. Liv wants another baby too. But, has kind of given up on it b/c we tell her over and over again it's not going to happen. Though, I'm getting crazy with baby fever. But, just not quite there. And, Matt says he is DONE. But, then he won't go do something about it. So, we'll see.

The Matthaidess' said...

That is so cute! I love all of the baby stages that she put together!

Harrisonjoy said...

All I can say is "OH MY!"

Too many birthing babies shows... :)

Angie said...

Not TV, we don't have any of those channels anyway. Just pictures of Christal and Maggie. Then, I showed her Christopher's, too.

Michael, Joy & Family said...

Blake being my third child has been so much fun and the one I really stopped and watched grow. I think having a older brother and sister made it a little easier. Also I was so much more relaxed(didn't worry about as much);)!