Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The rest of the Arkansas photos

Ok, I had all of these photos ready to blog about, but didn't get to them. I will share photos from our new neighborhood soon.

Ashlyn really enjoyed getting to see her grandparents. She keeps asking if she'll get to see this or that grandparent or cousin "tomorrow."

Ashlyn with Granny Christopher patting the baby

My friend Amanda drove over from Mountain Home. Our girls had fun playing. Too bad I didn't get a picture of us, just the girls.

On the 4th, we went to my sister's house to celebrate Katie's 7th birthday.

Ashlyn and Grandma

Ashlyn and Jacob

Christopher loved riding Jacob's bike, until someone put a helmet on him.

Uncle Bill pushing Christopher.

Singing to Katie

Christopher enjoying cake.

Kriste and I took our kids to the park in Harrison.

Here's Joshua.

Ashlyn and Joshua checking out the birds.

Christal and Jackson came over another day. Here Ashlyn was supposed to be in time out, but Jackson and Christopher joined her.

Christal and Christopher Christopher on his "horse."

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