Monday, April 27, 2009

MOCHA party

This weekend we took BART into Oakland, where the Museum of Children's Art was having a birthday party.

We decided to eat in Chinatown before the party. So good. I wish I'd taken pictures of the food.

There were many stations set up for the kids to make different things or play games. Our kids really just preferred the toddler area, where there were bubbles, sand, and water stations. Ashlyn did get her face painted, which you can see here. She wanted to be a rhinoceros, and the lady was kind of at a loss. Ashlyn was pleased, but next time I will encourage something simpler. They did some cute stuff with cats and butterflies and such.

The balloons we took home were by far the highlight of their day, though.

Christopher was not content to just have the ribbon in his hand, he wanted to hold the balloon.


The Dunns said...

How fun! Portland has a great children's museum that we enjoyed while visiting grandparents a few years ago. I can't wait to be close to something like that again. I'm sure the kids had a blast!

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun!!! Pics are great too.

Harrisonjoy said...

Very cute kids, if I do say so...

Anonymous said...

Next time you visit us we'll have to take a trip to the Little Rock children's museum. We haven't been yet but I heard it's great.

Grandma Vicki

Laura said...

I love how much you guys get out and do things. I feel so stuck in a rut here. We are going to attempt to go to Pioneer Park for the first time this spring/breakup today. I am assuming it will be a sloshy mess but hopefully it won't be too bad. Definitely no children's museums here, so the park will have to do.

sara said...

What fun! I love all the new pics! Looks like you all had a great time!

Kim said...

Awesome. "What would you like to have painted on your face, little girl?"


I can imagine her befuddlement.