Friday was the worst shopping day with Christopher. We went to Safeway, where the child safety straps were broken on our cart. Not a big deal at first, but then Christopher discovered that he could stand in the cart. I picked him up and carried him for a bit, but it didn't last long. I tried to let him walk, but, of course, he ran in the opposite direction. After I'd let him walk, when I would pick him up, he would flail and scream. I'm trying to get the rest of the groceries, carry a flailing kid, and pushing a cart with a broom sticking out of it. I got many looks from other shoppers, including one mom who told me we've "all been there." The lady who checked us out said that Christopher must keep his mom real busy. She had three boys and could recognize the mischievous expression. She held Christopher while I paid and made sure that someone took out my bags.
Unfortunately, with my rush to leave the store, I had to go back in the afternoon to pick up a few things I'd forgotten for dinner that evening. This time I was going to be smart. I put Christopher in the carrier on my back. Unfortunately, Christopher learned last weekend that I don't like having the hair pulled out of my head. So, as I'm pushing the cart to check out, Christopher pulls my hair so hard that my head was jerked back. And, I couldn't get him to let go while I was pushing the cart or unloading groceries. I kept having to stop what I was doing to get his hands out of my hair. I eventually took him out of the carrier and had him in my arms again, flailing.

Christopher doesn't have many words. We've been a bit worried about it, and are trying to work with him to help him communicate. It isn't that he is silent. He says plenty, with signs, gestures, babbles, and screams. On Thursday, Christopher had eaten all of his food. Allen asked him if he wanted more or if he was all done. Christopher signs both "more" and "all done," so Allen was expecting a sign in response. Instead, Christopher clearly said "I want more." We were SHOCKED! Today, he told me "more milk." It almost makes me think the kid just doesn't WANT to talk, but has been perfectly capable all along.
Ashlyn loves to pretend to be a dog ALL DAY LONG. I think even more than being a princess. She barks, even talking in a "doggie voice." She's apparently a little yip-yip dog, because it is high pitched. She was licking for awhile (I think we've gotten her to stop.) She wants to put her face down in the bowl like a dog. She asks for treats that she wants me to feed to her the way I do Ranger. She has started calling me "grandma." Ranger is her mother, so I'm apparently the grandma. Then, this weekend, Ashlyn started doing this:

She is going to hate me for this blog in about 10 years.
I'm so glad you now understand the joys of having a boy. They are trouble and I'm sorry but I was laughing while I read the part about him pulling your hair so hard. I wish I could have been there to witness.
And too funny about Ashlyn lifting her leg. You've got to save that pic for blackmail later on.
So funny! I wish I had advice about shopping. I don't. Oh yes I do -- leave him with Alan next time! :)
Christopher's speech development will definitely be different than Ashlyn's because he's a boy (much slower than girls) and because he has a very verbal older sibling (who probably speaks for him). It sounds like he's doing great, though. Mikey has a speech delay (he's doing great with therapy) so I know all about wondering if they are developing normally.
Although Ashlyn may hate you for this blog, I do not. Thanks for the wonderful laugh!
Too funny! All of it too funny!
Of course have to disagree that boys are slower than girls - as Jackson has been speaking clearly since before many other girls his age, but i've heard from more than a few people that the 2nd child can be less willing to talk. not sure why. I do think J talked early due to hearing two languages everyday - Farsi and English.
I am laughing OUT LOUD! All day today I was wishing that I could get on the plane and get to California...now I KNOW I WANT TO GET ON THE PLANE! Wonderful pictures, Angie....
I did manage to purchase another princess dress today....and some shorts for Christopher....they'll be in the mail...
Thank you for giving me such a good laugh after a long day! Ashlyn lifting her leg is just the best!
OK too funny. Love the picture. Cliff was the same way. He could talk and say all sorts of things, he just chose not to. He is still kind of that way, but when he talks he really gets going !
I am coming this summer!!!!! I promised Carmen we would come. Fly into San Francisco?
ROTFLMAO! Thanks for a great laugh, Angie! Every bit of it, then that last pictue of Ashlyn did me in!
Great pics. Thanks for a great laugh after a hard day at work.
Q does that same open-mouthed thing when Aaron throws him into the air. I love it. (Even while I'm cringing in fear at the throwing. I"m trying not to be a Wuss Mama about it.)
Loved the post Angie. I could see the two of you vividly in my mind and what a riot!
The pic of Ashlyn is soooo funny. Hannah always loved to play dog but never lifted her leg (that I saw).
PawPaw and I are hoping to find time to visit also -we'll have to coordinate some dates.
Grandma Vicki
Liv went through a dog stage. It was so weird!
Lila likes to pull my hair in the Ergo sometimes. URGH.
No shopping advice. I don't really shop with the kids anymore. Though, Olivia no longer likes the clothes I pick out for her. So, she'll have to start coming w/me soon.
I agree with Holly. Lila took forever and a day to talk. Probably b/c of Olivia's constant chatter. Now, she doesn't stop.
Oh GOD. I HATE that stage where they are hellions in the grocery store. I am DREADING it with a major major pile of Dread! Ugh!
That's hilarious about the dog thing.
And I'm worried about Andrew because he isn't babbling yet. Becca was practically talking by his age (well, not REALLy, but he is WAY behind her and it is FREAKING ME OUT!)
It’s been 10 years and yeah I do hate you for this blog💀
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