Tuesday, May 22, 2007

When you have a little girl...

On Sunday, Ashlyn was inspecting Allen's feet and noticed that they were not pretty. She had me get out the nail polish and make improvements.
As you've seen on this blog before, Ashlyn loves my underwear. She'll wear them around her neck, waist, or even on her head. Yesterday, we went with our neighbors to Regensburg for a quick shopping trip. I noticed AT LUNCH that Ashlyn had two pairs of my underwear around her waist. At least they were under her dress.

Last night Ashlyn was sitting on her potty. She kept jumping off the potty (totally naked) to run give me a kiss and then run into the bedroom to give her daddy a kiss. over and over.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe she had your underwear on and you didn't even know it. So cute.

Anonymous said...

Ya know....when Allen was little, my sisters would polish his nails and make up his face....he was so PRETTY! Does this bring back memories, Allen? ha ahah aha ha

Anonymous said...

Good look for you Allen! Purple polish would be great for summer. Maybe with pink polka dots! Tee-hee!

Anonymous said...

So Ashlyn is using the potty again? or just playing pretend? I havn't mentioned before but that potty looks like the ultimate in potty luxury - xoxo

Angie said...

Ashlyn is not using the potty. She just sits on it, occasionally.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I allowed my toes to be painted...in the interest of entertaining and keeping my 2-year little girl happy!!!

However, that is NOT a picture of my foot!! That is actually Angie's foot........

Just thought I'd say that!


Angie said...
