Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ranger Dog

Sometimes I wonder why we ever wanted a dog. Last night was one of those nights. Our neighbors just moved out, and apparently cleaned out their refrigerator by throwing old food into the snow. Too much temptation for a pig dog. Both he and his friend Jake spent some time over there last night. We realized that something was wrong when Ranger wouldn't clean up Ashlyn's leftovers that we had thrown on the floor for him(yes, he cleans up after us.) More seemed to be wrong when we were eating steak and chicken kabobs at the table, and Ranger was not begging. Keep in mind that the Smiths, Maddens, and parents were over here eating dinner. While I was upstairs getting Ashlyn ready for bed, Ranger's puke was discovered. Gross! The really good friends that they are, the puke was already in the midst of being cleaned up before I came down. Apparently, Ranger felt better after this. In the middle of the night, Ranger wanted to go outside. I assumed to pee. Nope. He was outside too long. I was irritated. (Hello, 1 in the morning.) I could hear his stomach gurgling when he was lying on the end of the bed later. Around 4:30, he was up and sick again. I went back to bed, and he apparently got back up to get sick downstairs as well. So, at this point, I am ready for Ranger to go.

At the same time, Ranger is wonderful company. He loves to get attention, and is so patient with Ashlyn. She pats him, not too gently, sticks her fingers in his eye, bites his ear. He just sits there, and, oddly, seems to enjoy it. So, we will keep him.


Anonymous said...

Time to dump the dog Angie - he's worthless.

Angie said...

Maybe, more puking last night. It was terrible.

Anonymous said...

He's too sweet to dump! I can't believe he turned down cheerios - he must have REALLY been full.