Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ashlyn on the Move

Jamie carried Ashlyn downstairs with the laundry this morning

Ok, I have been concerned that Ashlyn is not crawling. She seemed happier sitting up, and was content with what she could reach. She has changed a lot just this week. While I still don't have a crawler, she is definitely working on it, and getting into funny positions on the way. I love it.
This morning Chris was really working with her, putting stuff out of her reach, and trying to help push her forward. These are a few of the pictures that I took while she was working on it.

On her knees, with a funny face.

Baby Push-Ups

We need to rest. Learning to crawl is hard work.

To reach something, Ashlyn would push off on the tips of her big toes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those big toes must be incredibly strong! Her karate kick will be impressive! -) Love, Pawpaw