Friday, April 28, 2006

Another Goodbye - The Smith's

Robyn, Laura, Jamie, Me, and Katie

Moving to Alaska was hard for us. It is so far from family, so cold, and I was so without a teaching job. At the same time, Allen and I have grown even closer, had a baby, and have made some incredible friends. As in all military moves, there comes a time when either you leave, your friends leave, or both. Our good friends Chris, Jamie, and Jake Smith are on their way to Great Falls, Montana. We met Chris and Jamie at church at a new members class. We immediately liked them and grew close that winter while Chris was deployed to Kuwait. Jamie was one of the first people who found out we were having Ashlyn. She was one of our middle of the night phone calls when she was born. They have both been such a support while Allen has been gone. Not only are they great with Ashlyn and Ranger, but they have had us over for dinner nearly every Sunday. I could go on about the ways they have been so generous and loving, but you get the idea. In short, they have been part of our family.

Chris, Jamie, Me, Katie, Becca, Robyn, Laura, Wes, Bo, and Jake.


Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

We love you!! and it is "see you later"! Remember?

Angie said...

You're right. See ya!