On Monday, I was sewing and was so excited that my kids were playing quietly in the kitchen.
It seems I'm a slow learner, as Christopher came around the corner looking like this:
It seems I'm a slow learner, as Christopher came around the corner looking like this:
Ack! "Playing quietly together" is NOT a good thing! But what they did was pretty minor. I can't count the number of times my boys have drawn all over themselves. I'd much rather them draw on their bodies than on the walls or furniture! It'll wash off ... eventually (maybe by Ashlyn's senior prom). ;)
That's hilarious! Kids can be so funny. I hope that they only wrote on themselves...
Ah, I see the Capozzoli Coloring Book as made its way to your house too! My boys don't need them when they have each other to color on...everyday...with permanent marker too. Why use coloring books, a moving target is so much more fun. Not for Mom when you have to clean them up. Good luck!
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