Ten years ago, I married my best friend. When I first met Allen, I thought that he was funny and sweet. His goofiness has kept me laughing even when life really was sad or hard. Even during labor. We've spent many, many months apart during those ten years, and know that life is better when we are together. I am sure that he will love me and keep me laughing for the next 60 or more years.
my belated congratulations on your pregnancy and a very very happy anniversary to you both. i am so proud of you and will always support you both through my prayers even when we are not in touch. i hope our paths physically cross again soon and we can share the amazing lives that we have been blessed with. it makes me laugh (random memory) to think of those hours that craig and allen would spend wrestling with neither giving up only stopping from complete exhaustion - what idiots. but they are our idiots and i know we couldn't be happier. you guys have been through so much together (and apart) and again i am humbled by the devotion and patience that it takes to be married 10 years - not to mention the 10 others that you dated! i love you - we love you! mandy and craig
Holy cow. 10 years. That's awesome. I can't wait to see what the next 60 bring.
Happy Anniversary. I was thinking of you two yesterday. Give each other hugs from the Smith crew.
You two are a perfect pair and it makes me happy to see how happy you make each other.
Congratulations! So glad you could be together for your 10th!
AAWWWWW!...Loved your entry!
Happy Anniversary, guys. So glad your family is together!
OK Allen time for you to step up to the plate and add your anniversary sentiments...come on you know what you want to say (and by the way this is no time to be a goofy idiot - just quoting your wife and friends...!) Love, Dad
Happy Anniversary Allen and Angie - Brad and I wish you both continued happiness in your lives together, and with the new life you bring into the world.
Love you both and I LOVE that picture.
Happy Anniversary! I just now saw this post. I guess I missed it before! I hope you celebrated in style! You are a great couple!
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